Hi-Phi Music



  • Hi-Phi Music -Beautiful Audio The notion that the human brain is programmed to be stimulated by beauty is an interesting one. Isn’t beauty subjective and in the eye of the beholder? Then, why is it in art that some things just work? They are universally applauded and cherished for their beauty. Creative people have understood this for centuries and have drawn their inspiration from the beauty in nature where perfection means survival. Think of butterfly’s wings, the leaves on a tree or the spirals on a shell, these things have evolved throughout time to be perfect for their required purpose and the laws of Phi, the natural ratio of beauty, govern them all. The golden ratio or 1:1.618 used by architects, artists and musicians to create work which is not only pleasing to the senses but also entirely functional for it’s purpose. Hi-Phi Music is an outlet for music, which achieves exactly that. Not constricted by genre or style, technology or fashion Hi-Phi will consistently deliver releases, which are not only beautiful but will also fit in perfectly where played, be it home or office, club or bar.
