Native Instruments unveil Traktor DJ for iPad

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  • Available for download starting today, the app brings the popular DJ software to touchscreen.
  • Native Instruments unveil Traktor DJ for iPad image
  • Native Instruments have announced that Traktor DJ, an iPad version of their popular DJ software, is now available through the App Store. While iPad apps for DJing abound, NI's entry into the market stands to shake things up given their years of experience with professional DJ software. Fittingly, they've pitched Traktor DJ both to entry-level DJs and the pros who are likely familiar with the NI brand. DJs who use Traktor on a laptop will find the software's look, key functions and effects intact. Interaction with the music, though, has been tailored to the touchscreen. DJs scratch, cue and loop by touching the waveforms directly. And they can do it without sweating the mix too much: NI has tweaked how Traktor analyzes music, adding "precise downbeat analysis" to ease the process of mixing on an iPad. The app will even suggest your next track using an algorithm that takes into account tempo and harmonic structure. Traktor DJ also incorporates some of the functionality of iOS, with full iTunes integration and a Notification Center feature that provides users with "tips, tricks, and techniques" for doing more with the app. DJs who want to cue up with headphones and get a high-quality audio output can pair their iPads with Traktor Audio 6 and 10 interfaces via Apple's Camera Connection Kit. In addition to working as a standalone DJ system, Traktor DJ can also be used in conjunction with Traktor Pro. The app syncs "bi-directionally" with the software via Dropbox, meaning that cue points, loops or anything else done on one version makes its way over to the other. Never one to shy away from new technology, Richie Hawtin has already jumped on the Traktor DJ app. You can watch a video of him prepping music and performing with the it below.
    Native Instruments' Traktor DJ is now available through the App Store for $19.99 and 17.99 Euro.