Manchester mayor appoints The Warehouse Project's Sacha Lord as first-ever Night Time Economy Advisor

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  • Andy Burnham's office announced the news earlier today via social media.
  • Manchester mayor appoints The Warehouse Project's Sacha Lord as first-ever Night Time Economy Advisor image
  • Sacha Lord, cofounder of The Warehouse Project and Parklife festival, has been appointed as Manchester's first-ever Night Time Economy Advisor. Manchester mayor Andy Burnham confirmed the news earlier today via Facebook. Lord, who also sits on the board of the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), will be supported by a night time economy panel, made up of experts in various fields from across Greater Manchester. "I'll be taking a look at what is missing from our nighttime economy, what we need to improve on and developing what is working well," said Lord. "From talking and listening to key voices across Greater Manchester, I envisage a synergy emerging, which will create a list of targets that I'll be setting and announcing in the coming months." Speaking to The Guardian, Lord revealed that he thinks all major clubs and festivals in the UK should have drug-testing facilities onsite. He particularly supports back-of-house testing, where the drugs are not returned to the user. "I don't see any negatives at all," he said. That said, the early days of his role are more likely to concern Manchester's ongoing spice epidemic, which, through a mix of thievery and physical intimidation, is causing great harm to the local bar and restaurant economy. Manchester follows London as the second city to appoint a night time advisor. But unlike London's representative, Amy Lamé, Lord did not apply for the role and will not be paid.